Jake Lovell

Jake Lovell


Pricing: $47/hour, $5 IFR/Adv Premium, $5 Non-fleet Aircraft Premium

Jake graduated from Western Michigan Aviation in the spring of 2016. He has been passionate for aviation since a young age. Both of his parents worked for major airlines, so he got to enjoy the gift of flight often as a child, and especially enjoyed being able to sit in the cockpit.  He loved seeing pilots in their uniforms, especially those hats (that no one wears!).  Plus, airplanes are just sweet!

He believes no flight is ever the same, which keeps him passionate for aviation. No such thing as an ordinary flight.

What Jake would say to an aspiring pilot:

“I always tell my students to come into a lesson feeling adventurous and fun. They should be active in the learning process and the aviation community”.

The Crosswinds Difference

The comradery of the team makes a huge difference. The overall atmosphere is friendly, and student oriented along with being cost conscious. We create a positive environment for all by authentically caring about our students success.  Crosswinds is an adventurous and fun flight school that endorses safety and we are able to choose fun destinations like Grosse Ilse and Detroit Metro to get great real-life experience during our student’s training.  Our qualified instructors keep up to date on industry changes. Everyone here is goal oriented and we help push each other to their end dream.

Jake has always wanted to be an airline pilot. His dream route would involve going across the pond for international flights to keep his dream of travel and seeing the world alive.

Favorite quote

“On a mile of highway, you can drive a mile. On a mile of railway, you can travel a mile. With a mile of runway, you have the whole world”.

~Ed Bolen
